Wednesday, July 7, 2010

T-Shirts Available

Hi everyone!

We are going to order VBS T-Shirts this year and I need a quick reply of what sizes you want.

Youth Shirts are available in Yellow with the Crocodile Dock Logo on the Front and Back and are $6 each

Small - 2/4
Mediulm - 6/8
Large - 10/12
X-Large - 14/16

Adult Staff Shirts are available in Purple with the Crocodile Dock Logo on the Front and Back.

Small-XL $6 Each
2XL $7 Each
3XL $8 Each

You don't have to pay now, but I need to know ASAP if you would like to order a shirt for you and/or your children.


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Count Down is on!

We are just a few weeks away from this year's Vacation Bible School!  We've got lots to do!  So let's roll up our sleeves and get busy!

For our workday on Monday, we have quite a few stations planned.  We have pylons (aka carpet tubes  - thanks Jeff!!) to cut and paint, signs to draw and paint, lanterns to make, costumes to go through, and much more!

Cindy will be there first thing in the morning.  I'll be out getting some supplies, but should be there, shortly afterwards.  We hope to see as many of you as possible tomorrow or Friday.

Some things to put on your calendar as well...  We'll be looking for desserts to be made for the Registration Fun Day.  We plan to have hotdogs, chips, popcorn and it would be great if we could get everyone to make a dessert to share.  We also need a few crock pots of chili to go with the hot dogs.  If you can help with this, please let me know.

On the last day of VBS, we'll have a Cajun themed dinner.  So we need folks to bring in cajun dishes such as Jumbalaya, gumbo, prailines,  and of course a few regular dinner dishes for the kids!

Thanks again to everyone for all of their help.  Hope to see you soon!


Friday, July 2, 2010

VBS Work days

Hi everyone!

I hope you are enjoying a great 4th of July weekend! The kids and I are staying in Nashville tonight and enjoying the pool at the hotel and eating out. Not much of a vacation, but it's enough to recharge the batteries!

I wanted to let everyone know we'll be having 2 days this next week to dedicate as work days for VBS. Monday, July 5th and Friday, July 9th. If anyone is available to help us out with decorating and painting, please join us! We would love to have you. We will be there from 8am until late in the afternoon most likely. So if you can pitch in to help even for just an hour or 2, please come and have a good time with us! We tend to get really silly on these days and always have a good time. Some folks don't get these days off for the holiday and I completely understand if you can't come. I just happen to get these days off, so it worked for me.

They will be good days to also catch up on what still needs to be done and the schedules and outlines for VBS if you don't have them down already. Stop by anytime and we would love to talk with you.

Hope to see your Monday or Friday, or maybe even both!

Take care,


Friday, June 18, 2010

Tuesday Night's meeting

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who made it out for our meeting on Tuesday.  We had a great meeting and lots of things were discussed and discovered! 

We discussed the idea of the dramatizations for the kids Bible Study times.
We discovered that the group that came was more into decorating!

We discussed the ideas for decorating the stage and foyer.
We discovered that we had lots of people willing to help!

We discussed the making of the Bayou shack.
We discovered that Larry P.  has his own shack we hope to borrow and bring to the church.

We discussed making cattails for the decorations.
We discovered that we might be able to get them from local florists or church families with farms.

We discussed making sets for the dramas out of large refrigerator boxes.
We discovered that the Harley Davidson shop ships all their motorcycles in LARGE boxes.

We discussed decorating the "Snack Shack" downstairs in the Fellowship Hall.
We discovered that Larry P. could get us large cardboard pieces/boxes from the Commissary.

We discussed making signs/large cut outs of the VBS characters.
We discovered that it was easy enough for the kids to do!

We discussed work times to get everything done.
We discovered, we really need to get moving on things!!

Speaking of work times...... Monday, July 5th and Friday July 9th will be work days at the church.  I plan to be there by 8am each of these days.  If you can stop in and help at any time during these days, we would appreciate the help!!  Even if it's just for an  hour, we can put you good use.

The Lord is working all around us to make sure that things will happen according to His will.  Stop and thank him today for working in your life!

Take care,

Monday, June 14, 2010

Meeting is back at the church!

Sorry! One more change to the meeting. It's back on at the Church! 6:30pm Tuesday, June 15th

Bring your thinking cap as we'll be discussing the decorating that needs to be done and the dramas for the kids.


VBS Meeting on Tuesday, June 15th

Hi everyone,

An update for our Tuesday meeting this week..... Doug and Miriam have opened up their home to us this week for the meeting. I'd like to be able to tell her how many folks will be coming so if you could reply to this blog or send me an email at today I would appreciate it. The meeting is still at 6:30pm.

Doug and Miriam are only a few minutes away from the church off of 41-A. When you email me, I'll give you directions.

We've had a few more folks sign up for VBS! We welcome Kayleigh Mitchell, Rhonda Thompson and Diana Lawrence to the Kindgergarten group! Alda Kennedy will be helping us in the 3rd/4th grade classes. Logan Morey and his friend Kaitlyn have also signed up to help in Recreation. Thanks everyone!!

We are still looking to fill the PreSchool class positions and the refreshment committee. So if you know of anyone who might need a nudge to sign up, please let me know. And we have other positions available as well if any of these don't peek their interests.

Sunday we posted on the bulletin board (across from the restrooms) some items that we need for VBS. When you get a chance, take a look and see if you happen to have any of those items around the house. Check back often too as we'll update it as we think of more items. I know Ms. Connie will probably need more items when it comes to crafts and then the kitchen will also need some additional help with food donations.

I just want to thank each of you for being a part of this wonderful ministry to share the Word with our children. May God pour blessings beyond your wildest imaginations upon you and your family.

Love in Christ,

Thursday, June 10, 2010

VBS Meeting

Attention! Attention!

Last minute call for a VBS meeting on Tuesday, June 15th at 6:30pm! We thought we should try to get in an early meeting this month. This one will be for those interested in helping us decorating the church for VBS and discussing the dramas we plan to have for the bible study time.

For the decorating crew, we have a video for you to watch to show you just how simple it will be to decorate this year It's a complete how to guide in about 30 minutes. This is a great area to help out with if working with kids just isn't your thing. And no, you don't necessarily have to be a Picaso or Monet. In fact alot of it will be just tracing and filling in the lines. So don't count yourself out if the last thing you colored was a paint by number palet. That experience may just come in handy!

For the drama crew, we're going to go over this year's new element to VBS! We want to perform a daily dramatization of our Bible stories this year. We have a script already prepared and the best part is, you don't have to memorize it! We just need some willing adults to dress up in Bible time costumes and read the script. Simple!

So join us at 6:30pm Tuesday night!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

VBS Decorating meeting

So, where to begin...... well we probably should have begun months ago! But since VBS is just around the corner (next month, yikes!), we'll start here.

We need to get together sometime soon to start working on the set designs and other decorations for this year's VBS. Of course the theme is Crocodile Dock with the setting being a low country bayou theme filled with swamps, crocodiles, trees with Spanish moss and the like. If you haven't see any of the decorations, picture "Mama's " house from the movie "WaterBoy". Old Adam Sandler movie for those of you not familiar with that movie. Down in the swamps, with all sorts of critters running about. If I can figure out how to post web pictures on here I'll show some to you. Until then you can put in "Crocodile Dock Images" in your web browser and it should pull up quite a few for you.

Any body out there that could meet some time this weekend to help us start planning this?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hi everyone!

Well, we've gone high-tech! Our first (or at least my first) blog. Someone (namely Cindy B.) suggested that we start a blog to communicate to everyone what's going on with VBS this year. I only wish Rebecca D. was still around as she would have done this much better than I ever could.

We'll give this a shot and see where the good Lord takes us with this path. The plan is to post things like meeting times, donation needs for VBS, open positions and any other VBS related thing we can think of. So bare with us as we pull this together and come back often!
Love in Christ,